

| HERCULES | 我还是叫澳大利亚家(诗歌翻译) I Still Call Australia Home |
| 纯真的眼 Innocent Eyes | 何必烦恼 Why Worry | 诉衷情近(柳永词) Longing |
| 茧 Cocoon | Fading Stars | 莹星 Twinkling Stars | 丛林 The Bush |
| 秋风词 Autumn Wind Tune | My Impression of Policemen | 九百万辆自行车 |
| 青玉案 Green Jade Bowl Tune | A Trip to the Bright Moon Mountains |
| 明月山之旅 | 丁香花 Lilacs | 两只蝴蝶 Two Butterflies | 秋霜 Autumn Frost |
| 乡思 Nostalgia | 视觉 Vision | 骤雨打新荷 Sudden Rain Drums on Lotus Fresh |
| 你有两个选择 You Have Two Choices | 感恩 Appreciation |
| 一千个弹珠 A Thousand Marbles |


    The brave and mighty Hercules
    Would come to save the poor
    From his father Zeus above
    Or some raving boar
    Come nightfall he would celebrate
    With a jug of wine
    Drink until he could not stand
    And heeding not the time
    (The war drags on , not sure how long)
    Then outside he would swagger
    Holding a flame for light
    Seeing flickering enemies
    In the pure dark of night
    Morning come the village awake
    Finding their world in ashes
    And the hero Hercules
    Leaving without his matches
    The brave and mighty Hercules
    Would try to save the mankind
    But behind the seeming good intention
    A devil to the heart we find

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